
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Prices of everything will skyrocket

When last we left off I was explaining to you why the cost of everything is going to go up. Now before I start this one I find I need to explain how the law of supply and demand works.  This is going to be a much miniaturized example. Let’s say there are five families and each needs to buy a house if there are 100 houses available then prices on average will be low low low. however if there are only 3 houses available then the average price is going to be quite a bit higher. The same thing would happen in the case of clothes, cars, food, etc.. Also in the case of food it can only be obtained at a certain rate since it takes time to grow it. So when obama fulfills his campaign promise to make all illegals new citizens without so much as a background check we are going to have a flood of new people. All of whom will need food and places to live. The problem is ---There is only so much of everything. So much food, so many houses, etc. So, when obama opens up our borders we will be in serious trouble. Again I quote Revelation 6:6 which says ..."A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages,...” Thanks to all of you who voted for obama it is coming quickly.Next up obamacare...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

obamanation strikes again

Well, the election is over and almost half the population is upset and the other half are idiots. Let me explain why 100 % of the LEGAL population should be upset and what I believe is going to happen over the next four years.

Let’s start with gas prices — obama stopped the building of the Keystone pipeline which wiped out the creation of close to 20,000 jobs and would have supplied the United States with up to 830,000 barrels of oil thereby easing US reliance on less stable sources. Next obama signed a drilling moratorium on new oil wells in the Gulf. Finally, after first telling his buddy George Soros (who heavily invested in obama campaign)  his plans obama went and gave Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras $2 billion of taxpayer money to finance oil exploration off Brazil. This was done after first giving George Soros enough time to invest $800 million in Petrobras and without obama being smart enough to at least get a guarantee that we would get any of the oil acquired. So then obama has to go back hat in hand to the Brazilian government and tell them that we would like to buy the oil that we spent $2 billion helping them pump. Less than a month after obama visited Brazil to make a pitch for oil, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was off to Beijing to sign oil contracts with two huge state-owned Chinese companies.

The effect all of this is going to have on America is huge. Since obama was sworn in the first time gas prices were at $1.84 and now they are over $3. When gas prices go up it in turn drives up the prices of everything else. In Revelation 6:6 it says ..."A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages,...”  In terms even an obama supporter can understand the prices of everything is going to be super-high. This is what I believe we are coming to.

When I first heard that obama was elected again I got upset but the more I thought about it --- if this brings Jesus back sooner I am all for it. God allowed Judas as one of the disciples so that he could betray Jesus so that we might all be saved. I guess he is going to use obama or hillary after him to bring about the end of America as we know it. After all, even though America’s beginning is shown in the Bible we are not listed as being around for the end.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Another sleepless night....

This---this is when it is the hardest. The long nights. Just tossing and turning. Never able to get comfortable because she is not beside me. Finally getting up because I know sleep is not coming. I know you are thinking "Well, just get someone else then." And sure---I could do that but in reality--- I can't...Nobody else can fill this hole in my life---in my heart---except her. Only she fits. There will never be anybody else for me. That is just one of the things I wish I had told her while I still had the chance.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

National Sales tax or Death to the IRS Scum suckers

A couple of posts ago I mentioned the national sales tax. This is how it works and the benefits of such a system. The current system is where every dollar you make you have to give a percentage to government (unless of course you are rich enough to find all the loopholes). Then you get letters from the Infernal revenue service saying they STILL want more. Pretty soon they just send agents from now on known as scum suckers after you to clean out your wallet and bank account. As I sit here I now have about $3 left in my account...ladies the line to date me starts to the left LOL. Anyways, you finally end up with a guy in a plane from now on known as the hero crashing into the irs building to take out as many of them as he can.
The new way - We do away with the current income tax system. The benefits to this are numerous. When you work you get to keep ALL the money. You will not lose half of every dollar when you work overtime. And best of all --- wait for it --- no more (or at least do away with about 3/4) of the scum suckers. They would have to go out and actually find real jobs. Not scam off the rest of us who do work for a living. That alone would save the government billions. I know you are thinking, "well gee, that's just nifty-keeno but how is the government going to get the money needed to run?" The answer is ---The National Sales Tax. With this tax every purchase you make except for the food bought at the grocery would have an extra tax attached to it. Here are the benefits to that system. First off the rich who obviously buy more things outside of food would automatically be charged more tax. Secondly, all of the people who currently do not pay into the system (illegals and people who make their money illegally) would now all of a sudden be paying into the system thereby bringing in more money. Here is an example...Let us take drug dealer Joe the old system he would not pay any tax to the system because he never claimed any income and the scum suckers turned a blind eye to the fact that he had lots of income. He would be able to keep 100% of all that money made illegally. Now, in the new Fair Tax system he would have to pay into the system. Anytime he wanted to buy a new ride or some new threads he would be paying into the system. I am going back to bed now...I will re-edit this so it all makes more sense later.