
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

I failed God today

Usually when someone asks me how I am doing I tell them "I am better than I deserve". Which is true. According to the Bible what we deserve is Hell. Instead what I have been given is a vast amount of mercy. I have been given incredible health. I have not had to go to a doctor or even been sick in years. I have a excellent job, a beautiful house and an awesome car. Yet today multiple times when asked how I was I had the audacity to forget all that God has blessed me with and to begin complaining. The things I complained about weren't even big earth shattering things. When I finally realized what I was doing I felt ashamed. I felt a little like Peter must have felt when the rooster crowed and he realized that he had denied Jesus 3 times. No, I did not deny Jesus but I pretty much denied all of the awesome thing he has done for me a sinner. Tomorrow, I go back to Better than I deserve.
P.S. The better than I deserve is not something I came up with. It is something I stole from a guy by the name of Dave Ramsey. Go to his web site and in the search engine type in "Drive free" and watch the short little video that pops up. Then type in "Baby Steps".