
Monday, January 20, 2020

There was a song from the early 70's "I'd Love To Change The World" by the band "Ten Years After". Some of the lyrics are --- "Tax the rich/ feed the poor /Till there are no rich no more/". This demonstrates perfectly the way democRATS think.  All they think about is now without thinking of the ---and then what? If you tax the rich to feed the poor till there are no rich no more it forgets the ---and then what? I guess then we all starve together. That is the problem with democRAT thinking. Instead of wanting to bring the poor up to where everyone is rich they continually attempt to bring the rich down to where everyone is poor.  The problem with that is --- then what? Then everybody would be too poor to feed themselves much less anyone else. OK, now let's say we decide not do it the democRAT way. Let's say that instead we try the Republican way where instead of tearing down the rich to poor levels we instead bring the poor up to rich levels so that EVERYONE is rich. Now, which way sounds better to you?
Donald Trump / straight Republican ticket 2020 (except for the Rhinos who forgot which side they are supposed to be on)