
Monday, May 24, 2021

biden is a liar

 During his campaign biden promised that if elected he would give each American $2000 (with a few caveats ie: not to people that are wealthy). After he got into office they sent out direct payments of $1400. Then they sent out letters saying --- See I fulfilled my campaign promise. WRONG!!! By my math they are still $600 short. I know that they are trying to claim the $600 payment that we received under President Trump but that is akin to saying to someone if you clean my house I am going to give you $2000 and they clean my house and they say OK, where is my money and I hand them $1400. They would say Hey, where is the other $600 and I respond with Well, didn't your boss at the XYZ corp. give you $600? They say yes and I say OK then we are good because I am going to go ahead and take the credit for what someone else has already given you. 😁  

I do not think that would go over very well. And neither should biden trying to take credit for what President Trump has done for us. So no. biden has NOT kept his campaign promise.