The reason for this is because as you know the government is no longer for the people like they were elected to be. There is nothing put together to do things like make sure they keep their election promises. However, if they know we are all going to vote the same way they will be more inclined to do for the people rather than their own self-interests. I personally am tired of the woke agenda and how they are trying to brainwash kids at a younger and younger age. We need to fight back. I am also tired of those who call themselves Republican but show by their actions they are anything but. For example, our previous Mayor Jeff Bauknight had a chance to protect our kids by getting the porn out of our public library but instead chose to just move it all to a different part of the library and call it good. I guess he thought surely kids that can walk over to the other section would not be going to the library. And now he is running for Texas House of Representatives? I am praying that he does not win.
Republican Primary
Early Voting begins Tuesday, February 20, 2024 and ends on Friday, March 1, 2024.
If you miss early voting you can vote on March 5th
Depending on where you live you may not get to vote for every single office listed here. You are allowed to have this paper with you to help you with making your selections.
Federal offices
State offices