
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The beginning...

I am new to blogging and do not really know where to begin. I do not really expect anybody is going to read it but I must admit it is strangely therapeutic. Because nobody will ever read it---and even if somebody gets on the internet drunk some night and happens to stumble across it I can be totally honest. Both with myself and the world. Anyways, I got to thinking about love today. It is kind of funny I know so much about so many topics but not much about love. I just know the only person in this whole world I longer loves me. That is the extent of my knowledge on the subject. Oh yeah, that and I love football. The Minnesota Vikings to be exact but they are going to be looking a little lost this year as well. Anyways, I got to thinking about previous loves when I was watching some movie on the internet. It was a foreign flick where they all speak gobbily-gook  which of course is the official name for any language I do not speak. So there is English and... gobbily-gook. lol. Anyways in this movie which looks to be a war movie there are a bunch of Asian villagers running from people shooting at them when one of them guy gets shot and goes down. His wife turns back and throws herself down on top of him. She is wailing and carrying on so her relatives father, mother, etc. turn back and try to pull her along but she even knowing that she is going to get shot too refuses to go. And I started thinking about love that powerful and if I had ever really had anybody love me like that. Ok, here I am going to forgo the whole Christianity aspect and how God and Jesus love me. I am a Christian and do know they love me. I was just hoping for somebody I could touch. I mean you can't exactly rock the bed with Jesus.

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