As we get closer to the elections I will write more political posts. To be honest in 2016 I did not vote for Donald Trump. I and my friends instead chose to write in Ted Cruz who in my mind was by far the better choice. Since I am not stupid I was not going to vote for a democRAT. The only reason Trump won the primaries over Ted Cruz was because of all the democRATS who voted for Trump in the primaries figuring that even hillary could beat him. They were wrong. This year assuming Ted Cruz is not going to run I am going to vote for President Trump with pride and the reason is simple. President Trump has kept all of his campaign promises with the exception of the wall. And the only reason that he has not kept the wall is due to pelosi and the rest of her ilk fighting him tooth and nail on it.
All of his other promises have been kept. Trump kept his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to their actual capital in Jerusalem, something his three immediate predecessors also promised yet failed to do because of fear. He promised to “crush and destroy ISIS,” and he is on the verge of eliminating Islamic State’s physical caliphate. He promised to impose a travel ban on countries that are posing a terrorist threat, and the final version of his ban has been upheld by the Supreme Court. Trump pledged to nominate Supreme Court justices “in the mold of Justice (Antonin) Scalia,” and now Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh sit on the high court. Trump also pledged to fill the federal appellate courts with young, conservative judges, and so far the Senate has confirmed 29 — more than any recent president at this point in his administration.
Trump promised to cancel Obama’s Clean Power Plan which because of it being poorly structured had been met with both Congressional and Court challenges and instead implemented the Affordable Clean Energy rule. The changes were hailed by industry representatives. He also promised to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, approve the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, and open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to exploration. He has fulfilled all of those pledges.
On trade, he kept his promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and impose tariffs on steel and aluminum. He also committed to renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement and the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement — and recently signed new deals with Mexico, Canada and South Korea. He committed to imposing tariffs on China to force it to open its markets and stop its theft of intellectual property — and is following through on that pledge. Whatever one thinks of Trump’s trade policies, he is doing exactly what he said he was going to do and is in fact one of the few presidents since Ronald Regan to do so.
Unlike obama, he did not pass his signature legislative achievement on the basis of a lie (“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it”) — which is clearly worse than falsely bragging that your tax cut is the biggest ever. Also unlike obama who apparently has no idea how supply and demand works he did not implement something ruinous to the economy like obama's cash for clunkers.
If you appreciate a politician who actually does what he says he is going to do and not want to see this country further weakened then you will also vote for President Trump.
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