
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

DemocRATS just don't get it.

Lately, I have been seeing a lot YouTube videos that show the closing of stores like Walmart and others in certain democrat controlled areas where mass shoplifting has become rampant. And the people actually have the audacity to get mad at Walmart for closing their beloved stores. Don't you get it? Your shoplifters don't give them much of a choice. They are in business to make money. That means they can either raise prices to cover the loss which democrats then cry about calling it "price gouging" (it isn't. It's to cover the cost of the stolen items) or they can shut down stores. Instead of getting mad at Walmart they could get mad at the shoplifters. They could also start by voting Republican.  When you vote democrat you are voting for crime to shoot up, prices to shoot up and stores to have to close. I know you have heard it said that Republicans are for the rich. That is not the case. If it were then people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet would all be voting Republican. They don't. They vote and give their money to democrats. Wait till my next post when I tell you the real differences between democrat and Republicans. Vote Trump. 

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