
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Someone wrote to me...

U try to fix it if your so judgmental!!"

Ignoring her lack of grammar, I decided to take her up on the challenge. Here was my response to her.
What we need to start with is to implement a national sales tax. This would take the place of the income tax. This would help by getting rid of most of the IRS which would save untold amounts of money. It would also automatically tax more from the wealthy who buy more. Also it would allow us to collect taxes from those who do not currently pay taxes (drug dealers, prostitutes, illegals, and anyone else who currently gets their money under the table).
Next to fix the obamacare mess we just need to get rid of it and in it's place we allow health insurance companies to sell insurance interstate rather than limiting them to only intrastate. This will bring the cost of healthcare way down and allow you to get just what you need for your family not what big government decides they want you to have.
I have quite a few other ideas so "Remember to Vote for me" <(*_*)>