
Monday, May 24, 2021

biden is a liar

 During his campaign biden promised that if elected he would give each American $2000 (with a few caveats ie: not to people that are wealthy). After he got into office they sent out direct payments of $1400. Then they sent out letters saying --- See I fulfilled my campaign promise. WRONG!!! By my math they are still $600 short. I know that they are trying to claim the $600 payment that we received under President Trump but that is akin to saying to someone if you clean my house I am going to give you $2000 and they clean my house and they say OK, where is my money and I hand them $1400. They would say Hey, where is the other $600 and I respond with Well, didn't your boss at the XYZ corp. give you $600? They say yes and I say OK then we are good because I am going to go ahead and take the credit for what someone else has already given you. 😁  

I do not think that would go over very well. And neither should biden trying to take credit for what President Trump has done for us. So no. biden has NOT kept his campaign promise. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Who I have voted for...

 Someone asked me who I voted for. They asked if I just always vote Republican and my answer is Yes and No. I do vote Republican because if we were to ever have a good Republican President at the same time we were to have control of Congress we could in truth make this country truly great. However, the ones I know that would make a great President and the one that wins the primary are not always the same so I rather than go against my convection's I write in the best person who was in the primary even if they dropped out. This is the list of the ones I have voted for since 2008. If you have any questions as to why or any other questions feel free to ask.

Duncan L. Hunter 2008 (wrote in) By far the best candidate 

Rick Santorum  2012 (wrote in) best of a bunch of bad choices 

Ted Cruz 2016 (wrote in)  By far the best candidate ever - he has the whole U.S. Constitution memorized and will even go against his own party if it is the right thing to do. For example, Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Peña, two girls from Houston, Texas, aged 14 and 16, respectively, were gang raped, tortured and murdered by a gang consisting mainly of illegal aliens. They were captured, put on trial and found guilty. One of the gang members before he could be executed appealed his execution saying that even though he was guilty he was a Mexican citizen. He petitioned the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in 1998 regarding this issue; the appeal failed.
In 2005, President George W. Bush showing how weak he was ordered that the killer not be executed and that he be released to Mexico who was all upset and wanted their citizen released. Even though they were both Republicans, had previously worked together and Ted Cruz had a lot of people telling him that it would ruin his career to go against the President of the United States; Ted Cruz said --- It does not matter. I still have to do what is right and challenged Bush's order. It ended up in front of the Supreme Court where Ted Cruz won the victory. José Ernesto Medellín was rightly executed at 9:57 pm on August 5, 2008.

Donald Trump 2020 - has really proven himself and is the only president to fulfill all but one of his campaign promises (the wall) because the democRATS still controlled the house and spent 4 years with the rinos fighting him while doing absolutely nothing for the American people. Also, a lot of other presidents from both sides of the aisle obama, clinton, bush had previously promised that they were going to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which is the capital of Israel. The others got scared and backed down from doing so because they have no back bone. Only President Trump carried through on his promise. Furthermore, during clinton's, Bush's and obama presidency their was terrorist attacks against the United States but none with President Trump in office.

Ted Cruz (2024)