
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

IRS Scum

If you work for the Infernal Revenue Service then you are by definition scum. What kind of person grows up wanting to be an Irs agent??? Scum suckers that's who. I wonder what kind of lube they use when they are being trained how to "service" you? I never thought I would admire the guy who flew the plane into the irs building but at least he wasn't taking out innocents just scum suckers. You may ask what about the wives of the scum suckers? Well, they did know what they were marrying when they got married. There are a couple of things we need to do. 1. We need to run every democRAT out of office....and about half of the Republicans. 2. We need to switch to some form of Fair Tax (National Sales Tax). What this will do is only tax the ones who can really afford it. It will also cut by two thirds the amount of scum suckers. The rest of them can go jump into a lake somewhere. My next post will explain how the Fair Tax works and why we need it.

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